
LISTEN: How countries, individuals can help make world safer from cyber attacks

3 of 7 in a series of Israeli startup podcasts: Israeli cybersecurity expert says just as with health, governments must create standards for basic cybersecurity hygiene

Michael Eisenberg of Aleph VC, left, and Bradley Tusk, the founder and CEO of Tusk Holdings, during the recording of the Firewall Special Israel Edition podcast (Courtesy)
Michael Eisenberg of Aleph VC, left, and Bradley Tusk, the founder and CEO of Tusk Holdings, during the recording of the Firewall Special Israel Edition podcast (Courtesy)

On this third installment of Firewall’s special edition in Tel Aviv, co-hosts Bradley Tusk and Michael Eisenberg talk to Ram Levi, CEO of Konfidas, a cybersecurity firm that provides consulting services about how to increase protection against hackers and other cybersecurity threats.

Serial entrepreneur Levi, who served 12 years in an IDF intelligence unit, has helped set up Israel’s national cybersecurity policy and is a cybersecurity adviser for an international union of aerospace insurers. He is also behind an Israeli program to train people with autism with cybersecurity skills.

In the podcast, Levi discusses how each country and private institution must set their own cybersecurity policy, as there isn’t a “one size fits all” strategy. Even so, everyone should be made to adhere to certain steps and rules that need to be outlined by governments to ensure there is a basic level of protection in place, just as with vaccines and health.

Hackers must be hunted down before they leave their house, Levi says, and greater punishments must be put in place to increase deterrence. There must be global sharing of information — both among governments and companies, and there should be an international framework for law enforcement.

In his Firewall podcasts, Tusk talks tech, startups, politics and regulation with a different guest each week. The Times of Israel is hosting the podcast’s special edition on Israel, which explores the world of Israeli startups in seven episodes.

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