Times of Israel Podcast

PODCAST: Daily Briefing, Feb. 1 — The ‘fabled’ Palestinian elections

Listen Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today

Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing: Your 15-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East, and the Jewish world, from Sunday through Thursday.

Today’s panel comprises Times of Israel editor David Horovitz and Palestinian affairs correspondent Aaron Boxerman, along with host Amanda Borschel-Dan.

We begin today’s program with an update on the “fabled” Palestinian elections. Boxerman explains that signs are again pointing to them being indefinitely put on hold.

Israel has begun shipping vaccinations to the Palestinian Authority. Who will receive the 5,000 promised doses — and where?

The lockdown in Israel has been extended until Friday morning, but enforcement has been uneven. Boxerman explains an Arab Israeli viewpoint on the fines.

And finally, Borschel-Dan gives a synopsis of a new study of the biblical argaman, or true purple.

Discussed articles include:

Palestinians say they’ll start vaccine rollout by mid-February

Israel to send Palestinians 5,000 coronavirus vaccine doses for health workers

When funerals are fatal

Ministers extend lockdown until Friday morning, keep the airport closed for week

Ancient cloth with Bible’s purple dye found in Israel, dated to King David’s era

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