Hamas elects first woman to political bureau

Jamila al-Shanti has become the first woman elected to the Hamas terror group’s political bureau, its highest decision-making body.

Al-Shanti, a member of the defunct Palestinian legislature, is the widow of assassinated Hamas leader Abd al-Aziz al-Rantisi, who was killed by Israel during the Second Intifada.

“This confirms the Hamas movement’s respect for Palestinian women, their struggle, heroism, and sacrifices,” senior Hamas official Suheil al-Hindi tells Palestinian media outlet Dunya al-Watan.

Hamas has been conducting its internal elections for the past few months. The vote is conducted in secret in Gaza, the West Bank, abroad, and in Israeli prisons. Some Hamas members, such as senior official Yahya Mousa, had publicly urged the election of more women to high-ranking Hamas positions.

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