Israel prepping multiple potential aid shipments to Morocco, says Foreign Ministry

Lazar Berman is The Times of Israel's diplomatic reporter

Members of rescue teams carry the body of a victim of an earthquake in Ouargane village, near Marrakech, Morocco, September 9, 2023. (Mosa'ab Elshamy/AP)
Members of rescue teams carry the body of a victim of an earthquake in Ouargane village, near Marrakech, Morocco, September 9, 2023. (Mosa'ab Elshamy/AP)

MASHAV, the Foreign Ministry’s international aid arm, has prepared a number of alternatives for humanitarian aid shipments to Morocco depending on the specific needs of the kingdom, ministry spokesman Yossi Zilberman tells The Times of Israel.

The aid could include food, medicines, medical equipment, tents, water purifiers, and more, but the specifics depend on Rabat’s needs. From the minute Israel gets the requests, it will only take a few hours before a plane is ready to depart, says Zilberman.

In addition to the humanitarian aid, Israel is ready to provide search and rescue teams through the IDF, but that will only be relevant for a few more days.

The Foreign Ministry previously sent five diplomats to Rabat to beef up the staff helping Israelis leave Morocco. The consular office has not had any cases of Israelis who lost their documents, and the efforts to help Israelis head home has been smooth, says Zilberman.

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