UN force in Lebanon rejects IDF claims that environmental NGO is front for Hezbollah posts

The United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon rejects the Israeli military’s claim the Hezbollah terrorist group is violating UN Security Council resolution 1701.

Earlier in the day, the Israel Defense Forces accused Hezbollah of using the environmental “Green Without Borders” non-governmental organization of serving as a front for the terror group. The military said the Iran-backed Hezbollah set up observation posts along the border, posing as members of the environmental group.

UNIFIL spokesperson Andrea Tenenti says the force is aware of the IDF’s claims and has inspected the areas indicated by the IDF.

“UNIFIL in cooperation with the Lebanese Armed Forces closely monitors all activities close to the Blue Line, including sites of the NGO,” the spokesperson says.

“UNIFIL has not observed any unauthorized armed persons at the locations or found any basis to report a violation of resolution 1701 but continues to monitor activities closely,” he says.

— Judah Ari Gross

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