Netanyahu updates Twitter profile, now mentions all 3 kids
After being called out on social media, the PM corrects his familial faux pas, adds eldest daughter to bio
Raoul Wootliff is a former Times of Israel political correspondent and Daily Briefing podcast producer.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has fixed a familial faux pas, after being caught out last week with a Twitter profile that omitted his eldest daughter, declaring that he was the “father of Yair and Avner.”
The mistake was noticed by Israeli blogger Uri Breitman, who took to his own Facebook to share the omission.
Next to a photo of Netanyahu’s Twitter profile, Breitman asked: “Ummm, didn’t you forget your daughter Noa?”
The post was shared hundreds of times and seemed to get through to the prime minister himself, as his profile was changed Sunday to read “Prime Minister of Israel, Chairman of the Likud Party, husband of Sara, father of three.”
בעקבות הפוסט שלי: נתניהו עידכן את חשבון הטוויטר שלו, וכתב "אב לשלושה" במקום "אב ליאיר ואבנר".תודה, ביבי, שנזכרת בבת הבכורה שלך, נועה.בתמונות: לפני ואחרי.
Posted by Uri Breitman on Sunday, December 20, 2015
Thirty-six-year-old Noa Roth is the only child of Netanyahu and his first wife, Dr. Miriam Weizmann. Noa was born in 1978 shortly before her parents split.
Yair and Avner are the children of Netanyahu’s third and current wife, Sara Ben-Arzi, who he married in 1991.
On Friday the Hebrew daily Maariv reported that Noa, now religious and married to businessman Daniel Roth, had moved to the ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Mea She’arim in Jerusalem.
In 2009 Noa gave birth to Netanyahu’s first grandchild; she had a second son in 2011.