Israel Hayom mocked for likening TA, Orlando killers
Daily claims Omar Mateen and Nashet Milhem share a ‘chilling resemblance’; social media users beg to differ

The Israel Hayom daily on Monday drew mockery on social media after it compared the visages of Orlando gunman Omar Mateen and Nashat Milhem, the Israeli Arab terrorist who shot up a Tel Aviv bar in January.
In its coverage of the Florida massacre, the daily juxtaposed the photos of Mateen and Milhem, under a caption reading, “Chilling resemblance.”
While both men wear glasses, have similar hair, and are Middle-Eastern, Facebook and Twitter users found the comparison more absurd than alarming.
And the memes were quick to come.
“Chilling resemblance,” wrote one user over a photo of Israel Hayom columnist Boaz Bismuth — who, along with the paper, is very supportive of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — and of Arnaud Mimram, the French businessman who is standing trial in France for fraud and who gave Netanyahu donations in the past.
Posted by Tal Schneider on Monday, June 13, 2016
The free newspaper was also compared to a roll of toilet paper by one Facebook user.
Posted by Tal Schneider on Monday, June 13, 2016
Mateen, who killed 49 people in a Florida gay bar, was also cast alongside Yishai Shlissel, the ultra-Orthodox Jewish man who stabbed and killed teenager Shira Banki at the Jerusalem gay pride parade in July 2015.
לכבוד ה"עיתון" ישראל היום,
Posted by Tom Bar-Gal on Monday, June 13, 2016
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was deemed to share a “chilling resemblance” with an ear of corn.
— Eran Minhar (@tsadock) June 13, 2016
Meanwhile, Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai — who following last week’s terror attack at the Sarona complex, in which four Israelis were killed, linked the shooting to Israel’s control over the West Bank — was compared to PA President Mahmoud Abbas.
מפחיד(רפרנס בתגובות)
Posted by Evyatar Gat on Monday, June 13, 2016
Other memes compared the Bible and Koran, Likud MK David Bitan and Jabba the Hutt, with one going as far as to compare Yair Netanyahu, the son of the prime minister, to accused rapist Brock Turner and Sara Netanyahu to Miss Piggy.