PA security forces member arrested for incitement, praised Hitler on Facebook

A member of the Palestinian security services is in Shin Bet custody on suspicion that he incited violence, the Shin Bet says in a statement.

The man, Muhammad al-Sawiti, was arrested in August after posting on Facebook “extremist content that constitutes a direct call for violent action against Jews, as well as praise and support for the actions of [Palestinian] attackers,” the Shin Bet says in a statement.

He also posted pictures of Adolf Hitler and Adolf Eichmann and expressed admiration for “people like them,” the Shin Bet says.

It says Sawiti is a “senior worker” in the office of the head of Palestinian Preventive Security in the northern West Bank city of Jenin. One of the functions of the PPS is to foil attacks against Israel.

He was charged with incitement on Monday at the Judea military court.

Muhammad al-Sawiti, a member of the Palestinian security services in Jenin arrested for incitement in August 2017 (Shin Bet)
A Facebook post by Muhammad al-Sawiti, a member of the Palestinian security services, saying ‘blood must be spilled’ for Jerusalem (Shin Bet)
A Facebook post by Muhammad al-Sawiti, a member of the Palestinian security services, praising Adolf Hitler (Shin Bet)
A Facebook post by Muhammad al-Sawiti, a member of the Palestinian security services, praising Nazi mastermind Adolf Eichmann (Shin Bet)

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