Police confirm Haifa suspect disarmed after apparent attack with car, hatchet
Police confirm that a suspected attacker in Haifa was “neutralized.”
According to reports, the attacker rammed his car into a young man before getting out wielding a hatchet, after which he was shot by troops.
Pictures on social media show troops with guns drawn standing near a man lying in the street with a hatchet next to him. Other footage shows a car with its front smashed next to the outer wall of what appears to be a military facility.
Il y a peu de temps, un suspect d'une vingtaine d'années avec une hache s'est approché des gardes de sécurité près de la base navale de Haïfa, les gardes de sécurité ont senti un danger, lui ont tiré dessus et l'ont neutralisé, il est dans un état grave. pic.twitter.com/sKLJZaiF2V
— OSINTYB (@OsintYB) January 29, 2024
Médias sioniste : Un soldat de l'armée d'occupation sioniste a été grièvement blessé après avoir été écrasé près de la base navale de Haïfa.#Gaza #Palestine pic.twitter.com/bWZV4bNxb4
— Shanna Messaoudi (@Shanna_Bylka) January 29, 2024
The attack apparently occurred next to an IDF naval base and about a block from Rambam Medical Center.
The Magen David Adom rescue service says it treated a 20-year-old man with serious injuries to his lower extremities.
The condition of the attacker is not known.