Promoted PodcastVoices of Women at Wartime 

When massacre is personal: A mother’s loss on October 7th

Hannah Wacholder Katsman joins us to grapple with a mother’s worst nightmare: learning of the murder of her son, Hayim Katsman, by Hamas terrorists at his home in Kibbutz Holit

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Our lives changed on October 7th in unimaginable ways. Hannah Wacholder Katsman joins us to grapple with a mother’s worst nightmare: learning of the murder of her son, Hayim Katsman, by Hamas terrorists at his home in Kibbutz Holit. Hannah’s colorful recounting of Hayim’s full and spirited life contrasts starkly with the brutal way in which it was cut short.

Our heartfelt prayers are with Hannah and her family. May Hayim’s memory be a blessing.Donate now

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