ToI podcast

Daily Briefing Sept. 12: Poland seeks WWII reparations – for Jews killed by Poles

Diaspora reporter Judah Ari Gross delves into a shocking story out of Poland; health reporter Nathan Jeffay brings us the latest in COVID research and a cancer detection blood test

Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 15-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world, from Sunday through Thursday.

Diaspora correspondent Judah Ari Gross and health reporter Nathan Jeffay join host Amanda Borschel-Dan for today’s podcast.

The Polish government has demanded that Germany pay reparations in the sum of about $1.3 trillion for destruction and loss of life during the German Nazi invasion. Gross discusses his deep dive into the 1,300-plus-page document justifying this demand, called “The Report on the Losses Sustained by Poland as a Result of German Aggression and Occupation during the Second World War, 1939–1945.”

A research team at Tel Aviv University says it has identified two antibodies that are so powerful in neutralizing the coronavirus that they could eliminate the need for more vaccine boosters. Who is this for?

A different study found that all 10 of the most common long COVID symptoms were reduced by at least 50 percent among people who had at least two vaccine shots. Most strikingly, the reduction in shortness of breath was 80%. Does this mean we should all go out and get boosters?

And finally, Israeli scientists say they have invented a blood test that will be able to detect colorectal cancer, which is normally found through an invasive test, and pancreatic cancer, which today has no single diagnostic test. Would this eliminate the need for colonoscopies?

Discussed articles include:

In its $1.3t demand from Germany, Poland seeks reparations for Jews killed by Poles

Two antibodies identified in Israel can fight all known COVID strains, study finds

Israeli study: Vaccines slash long COVID cases, with 80% drop in shortness of breath

In first, new Israeli blood test could detect pancreatic, colorectal cancers

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