Erdogan dismisses talk of asking Hamas to return soldiers’ bodies

Erdogan tells Israeli TV that an attack on Hamas is an attack on him and downplays the effectiveness of Palestinian weapons against Israeli ones.

Dayan tells him that Hamas targets civilians so how can he back them.

Avoiding the question, he answers that Israel is holding “thousands of Palestinians” in prisons and so a solution is needed first.

Asked if Hamas should be party to a peace deal, he answers that it hasn’t worked with just Abbas, so they should bring Hamas to the table too.

He answers in the affirmative when asked if he would be willing to broker peace talks, but says Israel is not willing.

He also calls for new Palestinian elections, saying Abbas’s Fatah party has been ineffective.

Dayan asks Erdogan if he will help return the bodies of Israeli soldiers being held in Gaza.

He doesn’t seem to know what she is talking about, and then says if he got involved, Hamas will just ask for more in return.

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