EU’s Mogherini to meet Arab party chief in Brussels tomorrow

European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini is set to meet Ayman Odeh, the head of the Joint (Arab) List in Brussels tomorrow.

Odeh requested the meeting months ago.

Mogherini “regularly meets government representatives and parliamentarians of partner countries, both from the government and opposition,” a spokersperson for the EU embassy in Ramat Gan says.

“Israel is no exception, being a close partner to the EU for many years, with whom the EU has a strong relationship based on dialogues at multiple levels with all facets of society and with political leaders from across the spectrum.”

Mogherini is currently hosting a conference for EU ambassadors from across the globe. “In Israel and Palestine, tensions rise and the two-state solution is getting dramatically out of reach,” she said in her opening speech.

— Raphael Ahren

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